This is Pride Month in Toronto, the first time Pride, as everyone calls it, has grown from a week-long celebration to the full month. His mom and I have gone, and this year I think we should go again, and that his dad, and all the other dads should come along too. Then he said, grinning, “But I’m not marching in the Pride Parade.” He was just trying to lighten the moment it was just what the kid would have expected his dad to say. That day, the day of my young friend’s coming out, his dad, a big, beautiful and lovely man, told his kid he loved him and always would.
His parents are among the straightest and most conventional people I know, but they immediately told him they loved him regardless, didn’t care if he was gay or not, and he was thereafter openly and happily so. Some of my friends didn’t come out until they were 30 one of them, only about 30 now, came out when he was 15 or 16. This advertisement has not loaded yet, but your article continues below.